5 Sex-Goal Setting Tips
Struggling to set and achieve your sex goals or want to ensure you're successful in your sexual endeavors? Jody explores this on Ep. 14 of PrHOEvocative "New Year, New Hoe: Sex goal setting"
5 Sex-Goal Setting Tips
5 Sex-Goal Setting Tips
Struggling to set and achieve your sex goals or want to ensure you're successful in your sexual endeavors? Jody explores this on Ep. 14 of PrHOEvocative "New Year, New Hoe: Sex goal setting"

Struggling to set and achieve your sex goals or want to ensure you're successful in your sexual endeavors? Have you ever set any sex goals? Jody, for example, had sex with a man from every zodiac sign because she wanted to be an Astrological Thanos (extreme maybe?... well depends on who you ask because according to her, it was the prHOEvocative way of doing things)... Regardless, your goals can be whatever you want them to be, and setting sex goals can be an important part of reaching your full sexual potential. Below are a few tips to help you achieve your sex goals.

Sex-goal setting tips:

  1. Set SMART sex goals: Make sure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. SMART goals aren't just for business, but then again, sex is a business, so however you look at it, the goals need to be SMART.
  2. Plan it out (to an extent) and break it down: All sex shouldn't be planned all the time, but when you make a plan (even a loose/flexible one), then you can reap the benefits. Break your sex goals into smaller tasks. Ask yourself what is needed to achieve your sex goals. This will help you stay on track.
  3. Identify resources: Identify the resources you need to achieve your sex goals. Surround yourself with people that love sex as much as you do. Go to a conference like Exxxotica or Sexexpo, read erotic stories or join erotic bookclubs, find underground lifestyle clubs where you can explore your desires. Consider finding a sex coach. There are options and resources available so do your research.
  4. Track your progress/Know what you like: Did you almost have a threesome? Well that's closer to having one than someone who either hasn't tried or planned to have one. Pay attention to what goes well and what doesn't and have a better experience later. It's ok to assess triggers and boundaries here. Check-in with yourself, be honest and be present. 
  5. Celebrate successes: You did it, so check it off the sex bucket list.

Setting sex goals can be a great way to reach your sexual full potential. With the right approach and some dedication (and a sex coach - shameless plug), you can achieve anything you set your kinky mind to. Good luck!

Listen to Ep. 14 of PrHOEvocative "New Year, New Hoe: Sex goal setting" to learn more about Jody's experiences, her favorite experiences of 2022 and what things she checked off her sex bucket list. You can also grab your copy of the PrHOEvocative Sex Goal Setting planner/journal on Amazon